Friday, February 18, 2011
Today I decided that Im not going to be playing black ops or any other fps that doesnt have dedicated servers. I'm just so fucking tired of the lag and other bullshit that I won't do it any longer. So obviously this blog will be shutting down. I still have the other blog All Things Gaming which I update almost daily I hope that you gusy still keep up with me on that one. thanks for everything guys!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Dedicated Servers
I'm not big on bitching about games, but seriously what the fuck is going on with the servers on COD. It wouldn't bother me if the matchmaking program actually chose the best host, but it doesn't. And being the host you get such a big advantage, it just needs to stop. I realize that there are upwards of 300,000 people online playing Black Ops at any givin time, but it needs to happen. I"m so sick of the lag and bullshit hit detection being the reason I have a bad game. I'm not a great player at this game by any means, but I do know when I put enough bullets in someone to kill them and I know when I died in a fair fashion. MW3 Is on its way and I really think that this should be something that should be put into place by the time that it hits shelves. And something that should be put into place for every game on xbox live in the near future. I pay 50 bucks a year, millions of other people pay 50 bucks a year for what is supposed to be the best online experience in gaming. So I don't see why dedicated servers aren't mandatory like they should be. If you disagree or have something to add please do. Thanks again for reading everyone.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The First Strike map pack that was released on the 1st of this month on the 360 included a a new Zombies map called Ascension. I have finally played through it enough times to write a comprehensive review. I have never really been a big Zombies player mainly due to the fact that i just seems like all you do is scramble for ammo or sit in a corner and wait for hoards of zombies to run at you by the hundreds. Though that can be amusing, to me it just gets boring to fast. But this new map found ways to fix that, they made it cost less to open doors and thus easier to move more freely while not just holdong up in a corner. There are lots of cool traps that do not cost very much to use, and those two things just make it easier get get tons of pulls out of the mystery box and allowing you to go further into the game.
They also replaced the zombie dogs that came like every 5 levels with monkeys. I don't know if the monkeys were supposed to be more difficult to kill or not, but they aren't. I would actually just rather keep the dogs because I think that they look cooler. I actually like this map a lot and it honestly could have been 10 bucks by itself and I probably would have bought if after I saw its awesomeness. Its really too bad that PC, PS3 users have to wait so long for something that I have enjoyed for almost a month now. I really think Sony needs to make a push to have more exclusive content because the PS3 has become a 3rd rate system. Which is a huge fall from basically running the market for the 15 previous years before the 360 hit the market. But instead I play on a lower quality system because gaming content is what I want. I want to be able to download content before anyone else and I want to play the games that are exclusive to Xbox. There are a few games that I've had to miss out on but all in all its not enough to make me spend 300 dollars on a system for 4 games. Sorry this turned into a half ass rant about how pissed off I am at Sony for handing the gaming market that it ran for 15 years over to Mircosoft with barely even a fight. But its something that bothers me, I didn't want to turn my back on Sony, but they didn't give me enough reasons to stay and have shown no effort for me to change my mind.
They also replaced the zombie dogs that came like every 5 levels with monkeys. I don't know if the monkeys were supposed to be more difficult to kill or not, but they aren't. I would actually just rather keep the dogs because I think that they look cooler. I actually like this map a lot and it honestly could have been 10 bucks by itself and I probably would have bought if after I saw its awesomeness. Its really too bad that PC, PS3 users have to wait so long for something that I have enjoyed for almost a month now. I really think Sony needs to make a push to have more exclusive content because the PS3 has become a 3rd rate system. Which is a huge fall from basically running the market for the 15 previous years before the 360 hit the market. But instead I play on a lower quality system because gaming content is what I want. I want to be able to download content before anyone else and I want to play the games that are exclusive to Xbox. There are a few games that I've had to miss out on but all in all its not enough to make me spend 300 dollars on a system for 4 games. Sorry this turned into a half ass rant about how pissed off I am at Sony for handing the gaming market that it ran for 15 years over to Mircosoft with barely even a fight. But its something that bothers me, I didn't want to turn my back on Sony, but they didn't give me enough reasons to stay and have shown no effort for me to change my mind.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Xbox Ahoy!
This guy really knows how to give great advice and his production work is rather outstanding. I watch the Black Ops weapon guide every week and really look forward to it. I really wish I could afford the equipment to do commentaries but until then I have my blog and I'll just have to post helpful videos that I find. I really hope that you enjoy him as much as I do!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Today I had the most fun I ever had playing online games. My friends and I have been playing since early this morning and it has been a blast. We went on a 24 game win streak until some of my other friends joined in on the other team and ruined it :(. But then we they joined up with us we then went on another 20 game win streak. Playing domination with at team that has 4 or more player going 30+ kills and -10 deaths is just hilarious, we even had a girlfriend of mine playing and we would set her up in a good camping spot with claymores everywhere around her. Shes new to the game and we wanted her to be able to get the hang of it. So I guess it just been the mood I was in yesterday or my friends just made the game, I think think a little of both actually. But I really hope you guys are taking advantage of double xp weekend. Because it really does make all the difference, if you' re looking to get to prestige 15. My best estimate is that it takes me about 17 hrs of game play to prestige, and I have prestiged twice this weekend. It ends Monday night so you still have time!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I put about 20 hrs of game play in so far during this Double xp Weekend and I gotta say... I'm feeling bored. The game is seeming to drag on more, and the excitement is starting to fade. I'm doing better than ever, my k/d keeps going up, I lead the team in kills a lot of times but still nothing. You guys have any tips for me to ake the game exciting again?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
LMG's in this game to me do nothing but leave you vulnerable, but here are a few tips and poad out suggestions to help you get the most of these class set ups. The first thing that you are going to notcie when you have an LMG equiped is how SLOW you are. Your mobility is gone which is going to leave you vulnerable to almost anyone on the map especially the assault rifles and snipers at distance and the shot gunners and SMG guys when in close quarters. the way that I counteract this is by equipping both Lightweight and Marathon to my perk loadout when I use these weapon types. That will give you the ability to move more freely without feeling like your gun is holding you back.
The other option is to play defense on objective type games with a motion sensor to watch your back and tomahawks to bail you out of those close combat situations where the LMGs are out matched in every way. I also suggest that you add Warlord and work to get the pro version because that extra tomahawk can really bail you out when you need to reload. Another thing to be aware of is that LMGS take a really long time to reload so extended mags should be your go to attachment. The only exception to that rule is the STONER. But like the rest this gun too has a downside. It has an extremely high fire rate and with only having 120 bullets you will be hard pressed to pick up big killstreaks. So if you choose to use lightweight and not Scavenger you find yourself running low on ammo quite often so pick up another gun as soon as you see one available so you aren't 1 kill away from dogs and find yourself out of bullets. The M-60 which seems to be one of the more popular choices does have higher damage than the rest a close range. Pair that with SOH pro and you can somewhat rush the enemy because you will be able to get into ADS almost twice as fast as normal. I still say stick with the extended mag because even with SOH the M-60 takes forever to reload and you will have a hard time staying alive waiting for this. I find the first two LMG's you unlock to be generally worthless so wait for the M-60 and the STONER which are unlocked at the same time at a pretty early in your prestige. Another thing to remember is that since these weapons have a lot of power a hip fire spray and pray isn't out of the question because you don't need to connect with many bullets to bring down an enemy. If you do this make sure you aim at the the middle of the screen because then you will hit them in the chest or in the head of they crouch.
The advantages of the LMG class are easy to figure out. Your gun takes less bullets to kill, thus making sure that if you shoot your target first, you will win every gunfight. I hope that you find these tips effective and it helps improve your game. This is the last installment of the tips for guns. I'm going to go over some map loactions and hot spots in my next series. If you have any questions about anything posted or a gun that I dint go over let me know and I will post something for you. Thanks for taking a look at my site and any feedback is welcome!
The other option is to play defense on objective type games with a motion sensor to watch your back and tomahawks to bail you out of those close combat situations where the LMGs are out matched in every way. I also suggest that you add Warlord and work to get the pro version because that extra tomahawk can really bail you out when you need to reload. Another thing to be aware of is that LMGS take a really long time to reload so extended mags should be your go to attachment. The only exception to that rule is the STONER. But like the rest this gun too has a downside. It has an extremely high fire rate and with only having 120 bullets you will be hard pressed to pick up big killstreaks. So if you choose to use lightweight and not Scavenger you find yourself running low on ammo quite often so pick up another gun as soon as you see one available so you aren't 1 kill away from dogs and find yourself out of bullets. The M-60 which seems to be one of the more popular choices does have higher damage than the rest a close range. Pair that with SOH pro and you can somewhat rush the enemy because you will be able to get into ADS almost twice as fast as normal. I still say stick with the extended mag because even with SOH the M-60 takes forever to reload and you will have a hard time staying alive waiting for this. I find the first two LMG's you unlock to be generally worthless so wait for the M-60 and the STONER which are unlocked at the same time at a pretty early in your prestige. Another thing to remember is that since these weapons have a lot of power a hip fire spray and pray isn't out of the question because you don't need to connect with many bullets to bring down an enemy. If you do this make sure you aim at the the middle of the screen because then you will hit them in the chest or in the head of they crouch.
The advantages of the LMG class are easy to figure out. Your gun takes less bullets to kill, thus making sure that if you shoot your target first, you will win every gunfight. I hope that you find these tips effective and it helps improve your game. This is the last installment of the tips for guns. I'm going to go over some map loactions and hot spots in my next series. If you have any questions about anything posted or a gun that I dint go over let me know and I will post something for you. Thanks for taking a look at my site and any feedback is welcome!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
For Gun Comparison
I tried getting this post a little neater but failed :(. But since I got some good feedback on the AR chart I decided to find the rest of them. I hope this help you choose your weapons and imrove your game!
Assault Rifles
Ok I'm sorry that I didn't post this yesterday as promised. I got caught up playing the new map pack and just plain forgot :(. But now I will give you my strategies for the AR classes. The first thing to know going into this is the FAMAS is the most popular gun in the game. Thats largely due to its high fire rate and low recoil. I use this gun alot myself during the lower levels of a prestige, its a versatile weapon and that fire rate can really bail you out of a jam. That fire rate can really get you into a jam as well because you will have to reload often. So if you want to use this gun I suggest that you use the extended mag attachment. I personally like the GALIL better than the FAMAS and you get it just 6 levels later. It has a lower fire rate but deals more damage. The only time you will be at a disadvantage is in close quarters, so try to keep the enemies at a medium range with this weapon if you can. Another popular choice is the AK 47, I find this weapon has to much recoil for my liking and is hard to keep on an enemy. The bonus to that is it is one of the most powerful guns in the game, so you don't need to hit them many times to put them down. My favorite AR's aren't even unlocked until level 44, which kind of sucks but they are so WORTH IT! They are the COMMANDO and the G-11 and in my opinion are the best AR's in the game. The COMMANDO never takes more than 5 bullets to kill even at distance and thats with the suppressor attachment. The G-11 is a pin-point accurate 3-round burst AR with a high fire rate and damage, out gunning the M-16 in every way. The only downside of the G-11 being its limit in attachments, you can only get what they call a "low power scope" and a variable zoom scope, i find its best to just use the iron sights in combination with SOH . Before level 44 I have a FAMAS class set up with a silencer, Secondary, anti-air, Grenades: Nova gas, and Frags, Equipment: Claymores, Perks: Flack Jacket, SOH, Tactical mask. My other AR class is the GAILIL w/ suppressor and extended mags, Secondary: anti air, Grenades: Flash and Frags, Equipment: Claymore, Perks: Ghost, Warloard, Marathon. When I unlock the COMMANDO I use that in place for the GALIL. I use my FAMAS class for straight rushing and my GALIL class for flanking behind the enemey. I bounce back and forth between classes because i understand the strengths and weaknesses between the weapons and sometimes the enemy will dictate what style you will need to play to beat them. If they are rushing you hard, hold back and pick them off. If they want to be defensive rush them hard and push them out of their comfort zone. The G-11 I like to combine with perks Hardine, SOH, and Hacker. I use it a rushing weapon because and can do that because I am an accurate shooter. If you have trouble placing your shots I suggest you replace Harline with Ghost and hang back. If you have questions aout any of the other ARs or loadout suggestions please don't hesitate to post them.
The First Strike map pack is better than I could have hoped. On top of that Berlin Wall might be my favorite map yet! I just love all the different things I can do. Great flank paths for rushing and awesome sight lines for sniping and taking people by surprise. Stadium is a better version of Nuketown, a great close quarters battle that is great if you like the chaotic side of the game. Discovery is sure to be snipers dream, with the size and the way you can funnel the enemies by taking out the bridge. So far I see nothing special about the other maps in the pack, but of course I haven't yet spent a lot of time playing them. I will be sure to post more as I become more familiar with them.
As for Ascension, I don't play a lot in the Zombie mode so I will post about that with the rest of the Zombie strategies when I get around to it. I'm sorry that this is more of a review/nerd-gasim , but I'm just really excited to have a new element this game. It will make the path to 15th prestige a lot more FUN!!
As for Ascension, I don't play a lot in the Zombie mode so I will post about that with the rest of the Zombie strategies when I get around to it. I'm sorry that this is more of a review/nerd-gasim , but I'm just really excited to have a new element this game. It will make the path to 15th prestige a lot more FUN!!
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