Wednesday, February 2, 2011


LMG's in this game to me do nothing but leave you vulnerable, but here are a few tips and poad out suggestions to help you get the most of these class set ups. The first thing that you are going to notcie when you have an LMG equiped is how SLOW you are. Your mobility is gone which is going to leave you vulnerable to almost anyone on the map especially the assault rifles and snipers at distance and the shot gunners and SMG guys when in close quarters. the way that I counteract this is by equipping both Lightweight and Marathon to my perk loadout when I use these weapon types. That will give you the ability to move more freely without feeling like your gun is holding you back.
The other option is to play defense on objective type games with a motion sensor to watch your back and tomahawks to bail you out of those close combat situations where the LMGs are out matched in every way. I also suggest that you add Warlord and work to get the pro version because that extra tomahawk can really bail you out when you need to reload. Another thing to be aware of is that LMGS take a really long time to reload so extended mags should be your go to attachment. The only exception to that rule is the STONER. But like the rest this gun too has a downside. It has an extremely high fire rate and with only having 120 bullets you will be hard pressed to pick up big killstreaks. So if you choose to use lightweight and not Scavenger you find yourself running low on ammo quite often so pick up another gun as soon as you see one available so you aren't 1 kill away from dogs and find yourself out of bullets. The M-60 which seems to be one of the more popular choices does have higher damage than the rest a close range. Pair that with SOH pro and you can somewhat rush the enemy because you will be able to get into ADS almost twice as fast as normal. I still say stick with the extended mag because even with SOH the M-60 takes forever to reload and you will have a hard time staying alive waiting for this. I find the first two LMG's you unlock to be generally worthless so wait for the M-60 and the STONER which are unlocked at the same time at a pretty early in your prestige. Another thing to remember is that since these weapons have a lot of power a hip fire spray and pray isn't out of the question because you don't need to connect with many bullets to bring down an enemy. If you do this make sure you aim at the the middle of the screen because then you will hit them in the chest or in the head of they crouch.
The advantages of the LMG class are easy to figure out. Your gun takes less bullets to kill, thus making sure that if you shoot your target first, you will win every gunfight. I hope that you find these tips effective and it helps improve your game. This is the last installment of the tips for guns. I'm going to go over some map loactions and hot spots in my next series. If you have any questions about anything posted or a gun that I dint go over let me know and I will post something for you. Thanks for taking a look at my site and any feedback is welcome!


  1. Ive had some luck with the stoner. But i always end up switching down because I'm more of a run and gun and these seem really slow on the draw.

  2. Sleight of Hand pro can solve that problem. Thant with Lightweight and the Stoner can become a pretty formidable run and gun choice. But you're only going to be as fast on the draw and some one with a large assault rifle with out SOH pro equipped. Also, you'll still be quite vulnerable to the SMG classes

  3. When I get some good feedback I'll be able to post again for you!!! Cheers over and out!

    World of Warcraft Cheats @

  4. i've been using the stoner for a little bit now i like it

  5. good stuff as usual. keep up the good work. :)

  6. The stoner is definitely the best of the LMGs in black ops.

  7. Hey guys, thanks for all the nice comments. I'm really sorry I didn't get a chance to post tonight I really had to study. But I'm off to bed cuz I have a test tomorrow, night.
